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Monday, June 05, 2006

A real post, Not just another HNT.

Ok, so yes I've been super busy (I miss you too Tess!) at work and with my course. I've been trying to write and go to the gym, see my friends have time with G, make time for new boy that's in my town that seems to dig me and all in all....leaves little time for blogging. So I apologize for the lack of real posts. But hey it means you get an info dump today. long as I don't fall asleep at the desk.

1) Most recent event to talk about. Crazy lady in the store. Ok, I'll admit I thought the woman who yelled at me for not carrying the t.v. show Roseanne in our store she actually called me a "Fucking bitch" (because I'm sure the huge company I work for would just let me up and say "hey send us Roseanne it's going to sell so well!" and they'd send it like magic....not) was bad I mean give me a break lady. But not so, I met a much more interesting lady. She's been in the store twice. Tonight she came in yelling at her daughters and my new coworker (meaning in training) and I because she had a cab waiting outside. (I felt like telling her it wasn't our fault she decided to make the cabbie wait.) and she wanted a scary movie. Well if you know me, you know I don't watch scary movies. At the time I wasn't sure if she was looking for a horror movie or for Scary Movie So I went over to ask and she just yelled something about a scary movie it came out slightly unintelligable so I just said "Well, I don't watch scary movies but-" and I heard "Well then you're fucking Useless aren't you? You work here and you can't recommend a-" I laughed and walked away. I asked my Co-worker if she would mind dealing with the customer and she said no. I was proud of her, willing to deal with a karmically challenged woman like that. Another customer inquired as to her state of inebriation, she wasn't drunk....but she should have been maybe she'd have been happier.

I heard her when she got to the front desk because she slammed the cases down so hard I thought they cracked. She started yelling at "Ella" to hurry up, and actually became quite offensive so I walked over and stood there and told the...well I'm not sure what I said but it ended up being that I told the woman the Ella was in training and she said something along the lines of "She's slow she needs more training she must be dumb. You need to hurry up I have a cab waiting."
Of course at this point I'm shaking so badly I can hardly stand it and the customer who thought she was inebriated came to the front to watch the whole thing. So of course I open my mouth and say,

"It's not our fault you asked a cab to wait, we have phones we would be glad to let you use to call a cab."

At this point I think if it were possible she would have started slavering in her anger, drool foaming at the corners of her mouth as she snarls and snaps her angry words at us. Somehow or another she started calling me a nerd...I don't remember why...but it made me smile because I do consider myself a nerd so I don't find it as an insult. She said she was going to report Ella and myself and I told her to "go right ahead, the store manager is in in the morning and my name is ..." Which I got
"I know your name....*insert name here* ....I remember you from before (I thought oh yeah the bitch about the bag) I don't like you," I smiled and said,
"you don't have to like me," "You are so reported...nerd"

I felt like I was 10 again....oy the joy of tonight. I can't wait for my manager to call me tomorrow. Ella told the women when her items were due and the woman said "I'm not leaving here until I get a godamn bag," I wanted to laugh because we had gone through this the other day. Ella smiled at her a great big chesire cat grin and said "I'm sorry but have no bags, have a goodnight." The woman looked at me and snarled "huh right you don't have any fucking bags," as I'm saying "I'm sorry we still haven't gotten any in.

I had given her a huge garbage bag for her movies a few days earlier because she had bought chips as wellas movies and it was raining, today she had only two movies. No freakin' way was I giving her a bag that big for two lousy DVDs. Give me a break. So I've been laughing all night about that. Not laughing per se, just rather amused.

oh there was other stuff I had to write about and I've forgotten what it was...crapola...well I'm tired too so hopefully I will remember what it was tomorrow. Take care all.


Worry not about what you are doing, but about what you are being while you are doing it -I can't remember who said it.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Oy! What a day!

Ok, so today has been super klutzy Fae day. Now, you must realize that normally I'm really not all that graceful. I have been known to be compared to an elephant, a herd of elephants and a bull in a chinashop. Not really fair comparisons as I am a tiny girl...but nonetheless it has happened. Today however It was almost like I was subconsciously trying to hurt myself in as many different and painful ways as possible and it started at about midnight wednesday.

I was on my way to bed and had to limp all the way upstairs to my room because my foot was sending up painwaves along my leg. It was interesting really, so I climbed up on my bed (yes climbed I'm short and my bed is high shush,) and I looked at the bottom of my foot, lo and behold a cut. I don't know how or when it happened. It pains me greatly. This I do know. so of course I take a picture of my foot as it is now, after I spent the day missing a chucnk of skin on my foot.

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Also today while at work I was asked to do some shrink wrapping. Now normally I enjoy shrink wrapping as it means I get to not deal with customers. But of course today as I go to turn on the blower part of the machine the hot metal touches my forearm. I didn't even yelp. I wanted to, but I didn't you should be proud. I walked out and picked up the first aid kit, sat it on the counter and my co-worker just looks over a tme and quirks his head. "What now? Another band-aid?" You'd think I hurt myself a lot or something. I grabbed the polysporin and dabbed some on and grinned at him, "I burned myself" "What? Is it bad?" I refused to show him at first because I thought it hurt quite a bit, still does really, and I knew he would think I was being a pussy. Eventually he saw it and I get "That's it?" As a response. *Shaking my head,* this boy doesn't realize what I go through.

And of course I take a picture of this as well,

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It doesn't look bad but it still hurts. Not even ten minutes after burning myself I go to take a step and almost trip over my own feet, at this point I think I'm trying to kill myself but I catch myself on the counter and manage to get away with a pulled stomach muscle. Don't even ask how that happened.

So recounted the other various hurts I have, puncture wounds on my right arm from the new kittens Mum and I got, scratches on my thighs from said kittens, bite marks from said kittens. Various bruises from walking into the coffee table and other articles of furniture. Bad burn lines from the halter top I was wearing to garden yesterday and my hamstrings still hurt from all the squats I did the other day at the gym.

I think I need help.


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